Expert clinician and physician burnout articles written by the owners of Organizational Wellbeing Solutions
Combatting Burnout and Turnover in Healthcare: A New Approach
By Bruce Cummings, M.P.H., Founder and Managing Director, Cummings Healthcare
Consulting, Paul DeChant, M.D., M.B.A., Healthcare Consultant and International Expert on
Clinician Burnout, and Michael O’Brien, Ed.D., President and CEO, O’Brien Group
Effectively Addressing Clinician Burnout: A Key to Enhancing Healthcare Quality
By Bruce D. Cummings, M.P.H., LFACHE, and Paul DeChant, M.D., M.B.A., Co-Founders,
Organizational Wellbeing Solutions
Rebuilding and Retaining the Healthcare Workforce: A New Leadership Model for a New Era
By Bruce D. Cummings, M.P.H., Founder and Managing Director, Cummings Healthcare
Consulting, Paul DeChant, M.D., M.B.A., Healthcare Consultant and International Expert on
Clinician Burnout, and Michael O’Brien, Ed.D., President and CEO, O’Brien Group